
by Bruce T. Blythe

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Blindsided: A Manager's Guide to Crisis Leadership, 2nd Edition

Read The Cover

On September 11, 2001, we all learned a terrible lesson about our vulnerability in the workplace. Every manager in America was confronted with an awful new responsibility: We must prepare our companies for the unthinkable so we will be ready when catastrophe strikes.

But how do you plan for the unimaginable? And what should you do if disaster strikes?

When faced with these questions, hundreds of companies have turned to Bruce Blythe - and with good reason. For more than two decades, Blythe has led companies to safety, as he has advised managers on disaster preparedness and recovery.

Drawing on his unique experience, Blythe now offers Blindsided, a complete manual for managers on how to prepare themselves and their companies for what he describes as "workplace catastrophes" - natural disasters, kidnappings, aviation and industrial accidents, and armed attack.

Blythe distills his experience into a step-by-step process that can help any company deal with customers, employees, and the media after a crisis.

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